Finding a Sense of Place in San Francisco
Saturday, October 22, 2022
The San Francisco Main Public Library
Latino/Hispanic Meeting Room, lower level
Program begins at 10:00 am, ending at 11:30 am.
Please RSVP to attend this free event:
See Victorian Alliance originally-produced videos of history in our City and watch the exciting move of the Victorian Englander House in the streets of San Francisco that inspired a community.
Read about the panelists: a historic home owner, a professional historic interior restorer, a real estate developer and architect who organized the move of the Englander House in 2021, a former commissioner of the San Francisco Historic Preservation Commission and a commissioner of the San Francisco Film Commission. There will be opportunities to meet and talk with the panelists
Explore with our panelists how seeing history contributes to “place making” in our neighborhoods.
How does a community define its physical place and therefore a feeling of belonging in a neighborhood?
Why do historic houses still feel relevant to us in San Francisco?
How does this “sense of place” in our lives contribute to meaningful work and job creation?
in partnership with
Photo by Fiona McDougall/OneWorld Photo